Firearms Law and Safety Training |
Other training
Defensive Pistol 101
- 3 hours of defensive shooting drills.
- Expect to shoot ~150 rds of ammo.
- Cost is $200.00
- (More details to be added)
Defensive Pistol 102 (101 is a pre-requisite)
- 3 hours of more advanced defensive shooting drills.
- Expect to shoot ~150 rds of ammo.
- Cost is $200.00
- (More details to be added)
NRA Home Firearm Safety
- Standard NRA HFS Course, plus MA gun law to meet MSP course certification requirements.
- Live fire with .22LR (revolver, semi-auto pistol, rifle), 9mm semi-auto pistols, AR-15 (.223) and AK-47 (7.62x39) included and signed off on the MSP course certification form (some towns won't accept the cert without live fire), to give the student a well rounded experience.
- Location will be Londonderry Fish & Game (NH).
- Cost is $150.00 (with live fire) wand this takes 6-7 hours. Cost is $110.00 without live fire for those with extensive shooting experience and where their police department will accept certificate for Resident LTC without live fire.
NRA Basic Pistol
- To meet other state (FL, CT, etc.) Non-Resident licensing requirements.
- Provided strictly upon request of student, so likely a 1 on 1 class.
- Class runs 8 hours (no MA law component for MSP Certification unless requested, adding another 1 hour to class).
- Location will be Londonderry Fish & Game (NH).
- Cost is $150.00 and this takes 8 hours.
Boston/Brookline Moon Island Test Training
- This will prepare you for taking the test at Moon Island to get your LTC (or renewal) with a similar revolver, target and ammo as you will use for the test. I also provide tips that will help you get a better score on the test (210/300 minimum required to pass).
- All equipment is supplied but I suggest you buy your own eye and ear protection.
- Location will be Londonderry Fish & Game
- Cost is $100.00 and this takes 1-1.5 hours.
Brookline Moon Island Test
- I am certified to provide the Moon Island test instead of your having to go to Moon Island to get your LTC (or renewal). Minimum score on the test is 210/300 required to pass.
- All equipment is supplied but I suggest you buy your own eye and ear protection.
- Location will be Londonderry Fish & Game
- Cost is $100.00 and this takes 1-1.5 hours.
Personal Time with an Instructor
This is tailored to your specific needs.
- If you are licensed you can bring your own guns/ammo, or
- You can try out a variety of guns that I own.
Rhode Island Range Training and/or Test
This is the training (or test itself) required to meet the requirements to get your RI Pistol Permit.
- If you are licensed in MA you can supply your own gun/ammo.
- If you aren't licensed in MA or need to use a different gun (license is restricted to "up to and including the caliber used on the test") for the test, I can supply the gun/ammo.
MSP Certified LEOSA Instructor
- LEOSA Training and Certification will be provided upon request.
- Cost: $70.00
- Location will be Londonderry Fish & Game