NRA Personal Protection In the Home
This is a complete and intensive 10 hour NRA Certificate course including classroom training, extensive legal discussion, and ~ 3hrs of live-fire exercises.
This class covers intermediate and advanced topics. If you are serious about home defense, this is serious training. Teaches the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to the safe and efficient use of a handgun for protection of self and family in your home, and to provide information on the law-abiding individual’s right to self-defense, what you can expect after a self-defense shooting and how to deal with police questioning.
Equipment Required for course:
Note: This class is for shooters with some experience pistol shooting and is not a Basic Safety Class for purposes of applying for a Mass. LTC or FID. Shooting experience is a pre-requisite (it is not a beginners class, but depending on the skill of the shooter, a relatively new shooter may be perfectly acceptable), send an Email if you have questions.
Class and range work will all be done at Londonderry Fish& Game Club (NH).
Cost is $180.00 (Please take a $10.00 discount if your payment in full with registration is received by the class registration cut-off date), but a $30.00 minimum deposit (non-refundable) is required to reserve a seat in this class.
Registration Deadline is 15 days prior to the class. Late registrations might be accepted, please Email.
NOTE: This course is a pre-requisite for NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home
Please send Email to safety (dash) instructor (at) Comcast (dot) net to get information on Registering for this course.
Upon Completion: You will receive the NRA Certificate, $20.00 discount coupon off a firearm at Four Seasons Firearms (Woburn).
This class covers intermediate and advanced topics. If you are serious about home defense, this is serious training. Teaches the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to the safe and efficient use of a handgun for protection of self and family in your home, and to provide information on the law-abiding individual’s right to self-defense, what you can expect after a self-defense shooting and how to deal with police questioning.
- Practice strategies for home safety and responding to a violent confrontation Cover and concealment.
- Establishing a "Safe Room" Controlling the confrontation - The Determination to Prevail.
- Selecting a firearm and ammunition for self-defense use in the home.
- Are you prepared for the aftermath of a self defense event?
- What do I do when the police shows up? What do I do with the gun? When do you talk to the police? A lawyer?
- This is a shooting course. You will learn defensive accuracy - a balance between speed and accuracy where you can hit your target every time. "Slow is smooth and smooth is fast."
- You should be proficient with your handgun to take this course. Contact us, we can help if you are unsure.
Equipment Required for course:
- Revolver or Semi-auto pistol - .38Spl/9mm minimum caliber (.380ACP is OK)
- Appropriate holster (no shoulder holsters allowed) IWB or OWB only. Holster is a MUST!
- 2 magazines/speedstrips/speed-loaders (more is better)
- 100 rds minimum (recommend 150-200)
- Eye and Ear protection
Note: This class is for shooters with some experience pistol shooting and is not a Basic Safety Class for purposes of applying for a Mass. LTC or FID. Shooting experience is a pre-requisite (it is not a beginners class, but depending on the skill of the shooter, a relatively new shooter may be perfectly acceptable), send an Email if you have questions.
Class and range work will all be done at Londonderry Fish& Game Club (NH).
Cost is $180.00 (Please take a $10.00 discount if your payment in full with registration is received by the class registration cut-off date), but a $30.00 minimum deposit (non-refundable) is required to reserve a seat in this class.
Registration Deadline is 15 days prior to the class. Late registrations might be accepted, please Email.
NOTE: This course is a pre-requisite for NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home
Please send Email to safety (dash) instructor (at) Comcast (dot) net to get information on Registering for this course.
Upon Completion: You will receive the NRA Certificate, $20.00 discount coupon off a firearm at Four Seasons Firearms (Woburn).